tag_1: tag_2: tag_3: tag_4: |
tag_5: tag_6: tag_7: tag_8: |
The aim for players is to fight for mapping and defend their territory that is formed on the ground (grid). Players are spawned inside a cockpit that looks as a browser. They must navigate inside the space with an origami-warplane of their choice and search for tags. Each tag corresponds to a group of videos that are related to the specific tag that is in the proximity of the player. When a player is close enough to a tag, the first video of the group starts to play automatically.
Each video belongs to a category, marked by a different colour:
Politics (red ■),
Religion (yellow ■),
Culture (light green ■),
Ethics (dark green ■),
Aesthetics (mauve ■) and
Gender (blue ■).
Information on the video can be viewed by clicking on the info button .
Players are asked to view and rate the videos and use them as bombs to map the ground and conquer territory. Rating () is connected to the mapping coverage and the velocity of the plane. If video is rated with 5 stars, the plane has a high mapping possibility but speed paces down. On the contrary, velocity increases if a video gets a lower rating.
Players can interact between them by shooting down each other's warplanes. Default state is four missiles for each warplane and 100% stamina. Each hit removes 50% of stamina from warplanes. Stamina and/or ammunition lost in the dogfights can be regained by reaching the ammo signs, signifying different videos created by participant artists.
Teleport signs can also be found in the gamespace which lead under the ground (grid) part of the space where a different kind of mapping (tracing) is happening as a result of the bombings.